The story of my healing journey began the day I made a choice to free myself from the pain I had been living in for decades ---the self-hate, suicidal thoughts, depression and physical pain I suffered from into my adult life.  Those experiences were so real, I often mistook them for Truth.  Yet, my real story started earlier as a girl spending time in the garden with her father, a world-renowned flower essence practitioner. He taught me to hear the whispers of the Natural World and heal with flowers. That story continued with the 18 years I dedicated to dance, performance and fine-tuning my understanding of expression through movement.  That foundation created a powerful compass in which to navigate my path as I stepped into a life of healing.

I vividly remember the day in May of 2008- the green of the hills around me, the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze, and the crown of flowers I adorned myself with to stake the claim that “I am worthy!”  From that moment, the Universe stepped in behind me and opened up a path of healing that I walked down courageously- the same one I tread firmly on today.  This path has led me to dive deeply and fully embrace yoga, Pilates and healing through flower essences.  Since then, I have been blessed with opportunities to facilitate Yoga Teacher Trainings, workshops, classes and retreats from the U.S, and Hawaii to Europe, Asia and Central America. I have become practiced in reducing pain through deep functional Pilates movement and am skilled in using flower essences to release imprints of trauma. My purpose is to guide my clients back to their center where ease and possibility reside.  Personal transformation has global effects and it is by returning to our center that we will transform the world.